Miss Information is haunted by library school
When Miss Information went back to school a lot of her librarian friends used to warn her that the experience would have long lasting consequences. "Tee, hee," they would say. "I still have nightmares that I haven't finished a cataloguing assignment. Heh, heh, heh!"Truthfully, Miss Information has had a couple of library school related nightmares before but nothing quite as strange as this. She blames her friend E. who has decided to become a librarian and god help her, has asked for Miss Information's notes. (Notes! Honestly.)
Anyway, in the dream Miss Information is back at the school taking a course. Why this didn't instantly wake her up in a cold sweat is anyone's guess. Before the lecture starts she is having a conversation about information transmission in baseball with the professor, who bears a striking resemblance to Miss Information's old high school history teacher. (That high school haunts Miss Information is no big surprise.) It is also no surprise that there is a discussion of information transmission. It is a bit of a shock that Miss Information is participating in it. The other shocking part is that during the conversation Miss Information's foot becomes entangled in a cargo net and she must continue talking about information transmission while trying to free herself. After she becomes free she takes a seat next to British actress Juliet Stevenson who praises Miss Information's recent radio critique of Kenneth Branagh. At this point Miss Information accidentally switched on a CD player and flooded the room with some really loud Christmas music.
Miss Information hopes you're prepared for this, E.
Considering that you really didn't participate much in the one class we shared, I can see why this dream would frighten you. :-)
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