Sunday, December 21, 2008

Miss Information is annoyed by criticism

Two things about Miss Information:

First: There are a bunch of things Miss Information simply does not understand. One of them is “the world”. It’s a biggie. Early in childhood she realized she could spend her life trying to understand it or fighting against it. Frankly both of these options require too much effort so she decided to find it all terribly amusing instead which is amazingly easy.

The second thing you should know is that Miss Information truly, genuinely enjoys people--they provide hours of entertainment after all. Ok, so she doesn’t want most of them to know where she lives or what kind of car she drives, but they’re fun to watch from a distance.

So what’s inspired this festive get-to-know-you session? Someone recently mentioned that Miss Information should not be blogging about how stupid her new co-workers are. Miss Information denies that she ever did such a thing. A difference of opinion about the life expectancy of a certain government document is merely a difference of opinion. Ok. So she made fun of her new branch’s quirky fire drill procedures, but c’mon--they run around the branch with an alarm clock. Who wouldn’t mock that?

For the record, Miss Information doesn’t think her co-workers are stupid. She thinks they’re different. Not different in the condescending politically correct way, but different as in not Miss Information--a category that most of you occupy, by the way.

Her postings are an anthropological document of the new world in which she has been stranded. They're not meant to be mean-spirited or sinister. She’s here as an observer ike Griffin Dunne in After Hours or Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes, just trying to survive without being captured. She thinks of herself as the Mr. Spock of the library world, her mission to point out all illogical behaviour. (Please don't misinterpret that last statement. The cultish worship of Star Trek is another thing Miss Information just doesn’t get.)

Miss Information knows stupid when she sees it. Those people walking down the highway because the sidewalk hadn't been ploughed and they didn't want to get snow in their boots were stupid. The people at the new branch are just nice, normal people whose actions baffle Miss Information.


At 7:42 PM, Blogger Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

Hubby and I noticed that Minnesotans use the term "different" to mean, "oh my goodness, did you see/hear/smell/taste THAT!!!!!".. so, they'll say,"that's different". When we moved away from Minnesota, we realized that others simply intended "that thing is not like this other thing"... so, now we use the term "Minnesota different"...

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my coworkers are different, too...and I blog about them. Please just ignore that person who criticised.

Clearly, they cannot appreciate how much we depend on your blognificence (yeah, that's what I said...I suspect my coworkers think I'm different, too).

At 2:03 AM, Blogger Jeane said...

I do hope the ciriticism doesn't curtail your blogging, because I really enjoy reading your posts!

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have 'diffrent" co workers, I Like that I am not alone in a sea of insanity

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you keep blogging anyway. It is fun to read and so relatable.

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they can't handle it, don't read it.

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Differences are what make the world go round" and I think that you write so eloquently about the library world! We are lucky to have you chronicle us. I have worked in libraries for over 25 years and have met all kinds of people who have enriched my life greatly. We are all teachers to each other. Thanks for blogging! I just wish we had a sitcom....

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH!! A sitcom. yes, something like Seinfeld - truly, with Miss Information writing the script, it would be a big hit....and so funny...we have enough for a first season already, really, we do...and blognificence it is!!

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes and think of all the fun we could have naming the sitcom...."by the book", "novel lovers" or in homage to Taxi, just "Library" I hope Miss Information will consider pitching it to the networks and maybe us library types can act as creative consultants :)

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My coworkers are "different" too, Miss Information. The difference between you and me, though, is that I do mean that in a mean-spirited way. Well...that and the whole "you're a girl and I'm a boy thing".

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't stop blogging! That criticism is from someone who obviously sees themselves in your writing and can't handle it. I actually think you give your coworkers quite a bit of leeway in your comments on their behaviour. The customers might criticize you but I don't think they read your posts. You make working in the library so much more bearable as I can laugh at the "everydayness" of your situations. Thanks for the comments and keep them coming!


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