Miss Information loves the library, why would you ever think otherwise?
For the record, Miss Information would like to declare that everything contained in this blog is entirely her own totally misguided opinion and does not in any way represent the views of her unnamed employer. Gosh darn it, she loves the library system and would never intentionally besmirch its character with her obviously insane observations, which are probably completely fictional. Yeah, that’s it. Fiction. Good idea. Miss Information probably doesn’t work in a library at all. She’s just making this crap up. Obviously her stories are completely unrealistic. Security guards being beaten up? Yeah, right. Libraries aren't like that.Of course if she did work for some sort of library, she would never ever do anything to break any of its awesome rules about Internet usage and personal blogging. Because, she loves everything about the library, especially that part in its vision statement that talks about the importance of intellectual freedom.
I always thought you worked at a bus station. The library thing makes WAY more sense.
Miss Information, do you have departments within your library where people are, shall we say, difficult to work with? Because I do! I'm having to deal with one now and it makes me just want to tear my hair out. I tried to avoid working with them in the first place, but came around to the fact that I was going to HAVE to deal with them in some way, shape, or form to retain a semblance of our departments being slightly cordial, and what do they do? They make everything a living nightmare! Does it never occur to them that if they weren't so damned difficult to work with in the first place, they wouldn't have people trying to go around them to get things done? I just want it done, man, and done right. Is that so much to ask? AUGH!
I take it that Miss Information caught wind of her employers impending guidelines on blogging, including personal blogging? Completely absurd, maddening, and crazy-making, but true. Grrr.
I WAS wondering what you'd have to say about the "Acceptable Use of IT Resources".
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