Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Miss Information misses the big picture

Last August, the library got a shipment of brand new ceiling tiles. Since then, they have been sitting in the storage room. Miss Information thinks they would look better in the ceiling, but what the hell does she know?


At 4:37 PM, Blogger Lemma said...

Misinformation: they have to 'rest' for at least twelve months so that all the noise they accumulated on their journey to the library can leach out again. Otherwise, their accoustical properties will be greatly reduced.

At 8:03 PM, Blogger WordWhiz said...

Is that sort of like allowing wine to "breath"? You are so wise and cultured. I hope you'll share some other helpful tips to help those of us who are less worldly.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger said...

Miss Information, what you do not know is the torture that you and the Library Books experience when the tiles are put in place. Perhaps you are better off this way!
- The Precision Blogger


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